
明治学園 » 新着情報 » 最優秀賞受賞 高大連携課題研究発表会in北九州2019

最優秀賞受賞 高大連携課題研究発表会in北九州2019





On July 21nd, The Invasive ALIEN SPECIES TEAM as a global issues” took part in the “Guided research presentation competition in Kitakyushu 2019” held at Kyushu Institute of Technology. Based on the results of their experiments, they presented the theme “the difference between alien plants and native plants in terms of allelopathic activity”. They recieved the best award. There were 14 teams in all.

The members were Minori Hosoda, Nozomi Michishita, Reira Yano, Ririko Suzuki and Kei Furuhashi