プレ課題研究 発表会
- 中学高等学校
- 明治学園
1組4班 テーマ「伝統的な建物や観光客を地震や火災からどのように守っていくか」
1組1班 テーマ「ガイドブックの“良さ”と外国人観光客数について」
2組6班 テーマ「食べ物の無駄をなくそう」
On January 17th, some students made presentations in Global career education presentation session. They were the representatives of the high school first year grade students and talked about their own themes to all the junior high school third year grade and high school first year grade students. In Global career education, students learned about ways of researching, made a research hypothesis related to SDGs and experienced fieldwork during the school excursion in Kyoto. The level of each presentation was higher than had been expected. Two Kitakyushu-city local government officers in the SDGs promotion department came to make some comments about each research activity. At the end of each presentation and at the end of the entire session, the local government officers praised the students efforts and talked about some points to improve.
Three groups were awarded this year as follows.
Marguerite Bourgeoys award:
class 1 group 4
Theme: How to defend traditional architecture and foreign visitors from earthquakes and disasters in Japan
SDGs award:
class 1 group 1
Theme: The relationship between the quality of guidebooks and the number of foreign visitors
MIP award:
class 2 group 6
Theme: Let’s reduce food loss!!
We hope junior high school and high school students will develop their research abilities further next year.





