SGH講演会 「EUがあなたの学校にやってくる」
- 中学高等学校
- 明治学園

On November 7, the Lithuanian ambassador to Japan, His Excellency Gediminas Varvuolis, gave a lecture entitled, ‘The EU comes to Your School’ to the high school first and second graders in the school auditorium. The ambassador gave an introduction to Lithuania then spoke about the history of the EU, its present-day activities, and its relationship with Japan.
He talked about how Europe, having been through two World Wars, saw integration as a way to avoid further war, and how with the motto of ‘United in Diversity’ the EU aims to integrate many the different countries while maintaining their diversity. The EU acts as a leader trying to bring peace to not only its members but also to countries around the world. They do this by, for example, providing humanitarian assistance in conflict areas, development assistance to developing countries, and creating systems to equalize the human rights of women and minority groups. Talking of the relationship between the EU and Japan, the ambassador explained how they are collaborating in many different areas such as politics, trade, human rights, science and technology, and education. In particular, he expects that the EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement) that came into force in February this year will further strengthen the relationship between Japan and the EU.
After the ambassador’s lecture, students asked questions related to assistance for developing countries, the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU, the EPA, and studying abroad in EU countries. The ambassador gave a thorough answer to each question. He finished with a short sentence in Japanese encouraging the students to do their best.
The students thanked the ambassador by presenting him with flowers and singing the song ‘Gloria’. The EU lecture ended with a warm atmosphere.