APC in Fukuoka
- 中学高等学校
- 明治学園
APC(Asia-Pacific Conference) in Fukuokaが5月10日に九州歯科大学で行われました。そのポスター発表に本校生徒が参加し、1年間の成果を発表しました。
Friday, 10th May, APC in Fukuoka was held in Kyushu Dental University. Eight students from the Global Dentistry research project group participated in the poster presentation session of the conference and presented what they had learned.
They made a poster written in English because the official language there was English. Before attending, they practiced again and again so that each of them was able to explain what they needed to in English.
26 posters were presented and most of them were by the undergraduates of Kyushu Dental University. Even in such surroundings, our students were able to answer the questions they were asked well

