- 中学高等学校
明治学園で行われた文化祭・バザーにてSGHの研究発表が行われました。生徒たちは講堂でのプレゼンテーションや旧カフェテリアでのポスター発表の場で多くの来客の方に研究目的や現在までの研究成果などを発表しました。 以下にその様子や研究内容をご紹介します。
Global English Advanced – Presentation
A group of first grade high school students gave a presentation introducing the Global English advanced course and a few of the concepts that they have studied. The students planned and delivered the presentation by themselves. They decided to explain parts of each of the themes they have studied so far – world statistics, poverty, and technology – and linked them together.
While in class they are expected to present in English, they delivered this presentation in Japanese. This allowed them to really focus on their presentation skills.